Strength Training
Strength training is a method of exercise specializing in the use of resisted force through the use of your own body weight to intensify your training! This resisted force using any of our medicine balls, kettlebells, sleds & harnesses, weighted vests, training sandbags, and a variety of training accessories can help induce your muscular contraction to increase bone, muscle, tendon, ligament strength and toughness. This can help with improving your joint function, bone density, metabolism, fitness and cardiac function.
Medicine balls
Our Medicine balls are available in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials to suit every athlete’s needs. Whether you are looking for something that will hold up to your hardcore slam training or are looking to help carve out those abs, we’ve got the right solution. Using a medicine ball for training can help you build the fitness, stability and conditioning you need to reach your potential peak performance.

The COREFX Kettlebells will take your cardio and strength gains to the next level. The kettlebell is different from a dumbbell or barbell because its weight is off center. This means that you have to engage more muscles to stabilize your body during the exercise. It’s this off-center mass that makes the kettlebell perfect for swinging exercises and ideal for functional fitness training.
Sled & harness
Looking to increase your speed, strength and power? With the versatility of the COREFX Push Sled, you’ll be able to deliver a variety of training effects and develop new energy systems for your fitness routine. Sled training has become a great way improve strength and athleticism without the heavy wear and tear on your body that comes from traditional forms of conditioning like run, jump and sprint training.

Strength accessories
Looking for some unique accessories to go along with your fitness equipment? Here you will find barbell landmine attachments to upgrade your home gym!