Mini Bands Body Sculpt
Intro: Your Body Sculpt and Cardio Burst workout is comparable to targeted training for specific muscles of your body. Don’t confuse “spot toning” and body sculpting with spot reduction. You can develop muscle, tone and increase strength at specific sites (e.g., triceps isolation), but you cannot selectively reduce fat (spot reduction) by repeatedly exercise that body part. Some body sculpting exercises may look basic, but when paired with the right exercise equipment and progressive resistance (bands in this case), these exercises can seriously strength train your arms, abs, core, hips, and legs. The cardio burst is added to increase overall calorie expenditure and fat loss.
When it comes to seeing real results on a regular basis, getting back to the basics of Body Sculpting and isolating muscles can go a long way. That’s why we rounded up some of our favourite strength training moves that you can do pretty much anywhere. If you don’t already own resistance bands, get some. Once you do, there’s no excuse for you not getting in time efficient and effective workouts in the home, on the road or at your gym. There’s a reason why bands and these Body Sculpt exercises are favourites—and that’s because they work.
Format: For this workout, there will be 4 rounds of 4 exercises. A 1-minute break will separate each round.
During your first couple of go-arounds for each new exercise and the cardio bursts, focus on warming the body up, as well as controlling and practicing the movements. Ramp up intensity by adding more reps, speed, range of motion and/or resistance. Concentrate on maintaining consistency with regard to exercise quality during every round, even when you’re going all out towards the end of the workout. No form breaks! Keep your last reps as good as your first!